- Settings & Profile
- Selecting Plants
- Plants & Guides
- Garden Plan
- To Dos
- Garden Journal
- Garden Guide
- Smart Squares
- Harvest Calculator
- Crop Rotation
- Metric System
- Android/iOS App
Plant Details - Let's talk specifics.
Setting up your plants in your garden.
As you select plants to save to your garden, they each become part of your "Plants in this Garden" list. The planting, caring and harvest schedules for all your edibles are displayed in this view. From this one place, you can see the recommended timing for each plant based on your specific growing conditions. In addition, here is where you need to designate whether you are starting indoors or outdoors, as that impacts your To Dos. You can also adjust the recommended number of plants to match your needs, or drill down to get more detailed information in the Plant Guide for any of your plants.

Plant Guide
Anytime you click on the name of the plant variety, you go to its Plant Guide. This makes it easy for you to have access to this plants 150 pieces of information whenever you need it.
The Plant Guide contains all the information specific to this plant, from overview to prep, care and harvest. It lists the diseases and pests associated with it, along with organic solutions for addressing problems. Also rate and review the plant at any time so everyone benefits from your expereince.