- Ease of Growing
- Moderate
- Grown as
- Annual
- Days to Maturity
- 180 (Spring/Summer), 180 (Fall/Winter)
- Growing Habit
- -
- Hardiness
- Hardy
Shallots are very hardy and can even survive the winter outdoors in northern states, if protected by mulch.
- Crops
- Spring, Fall
- Growing Season
- Long
- Cultivar Type
- -
- Growing Conditions
- Cold, Cool
Shallots grow best in cool to warm temperatures. They do well in the long days of spring and early summer, and should be ready to harvest in the mid to late summer.
- Outdoor Growing Temp
- 55°F - 75°F
- Min Outdoor Soil Temp
- 40°F
Soil temperature should not exceed 50º for the first month after the shallot is planted.
- Start Indoors
- No
- Start Outdoors
- Yes
- Light
- Sun: min. 6 hours daily (Cool, Warm)
Full sun.
- Water
- Moderate
Shallots are somewhat drought tolerant, but need evenly moist soil for best production. If the soil dries out it will affect your crop.
- Feeder
- Moderate
Moderate nitrogen. Moderate potassium. Moderate phosphorous. This is a variety of onion and has pretty much the same needs.
- Suitability
- Drought tolerant, Tolerates light frost
- Small Gardens?
- Yes
- Containers?
- Yes
Shallots can be grown in containers, so long as they have good drainage and a large pot (at least 12" deep).
- Attracts beneficial insects?
- Yes
- Color
- Greyish red
- Fruit Size
- 1.0 - 1.5"
- Plant Height
- 12.0 - 24.0"
- Plant Diameter
- 4.0 - 8.0"
- Hardiness Zone
- 2-14
- Disease Resistance
- Taste Profile
Great for French cooking. Tender.
- Rotation Group
- Roots: Alliums + Umbeliferae