- Ease of Growing
- Easy
- Grown as
- Biennial
- Days to Maturity
- 30-55 (Spring/Summer), 35-60 (Fall/Winter)
- Growing Habit
- -
- Hardiness
- Hardy
Very hardy, it will continue to grow through the winter in mild climates and can be frost tolerant.
- Crops
- Spring Transplant, Spring, Fall Transplant, Fall
- Growing Season
- Short, Long
- Cultivar Type
- -
- Growing Conditions
- Cold, Cool
Chard is one of the most shade tolerant of common crops, so can be grown underneath taller crops (in hot climates it may even benefit from this). In cool climates it should have full sun for maximum production of foliage.
- Outdoor Growing Temp
- 40°F - 75°F
- Min Outdoor Soil Temp
- 50°F
Chard will germinate at 40 degrees but it will take 6 weeks. A more practical temperature for planting outdoors is 50 degrees.
- Start Indoors
- Yes
- Start Outdoors
- Yes
- Light
- Sun: min. 6 hours daily (Cold, Cool)
In cool climates it needs full sun for maximum production of foliage.
Part shade (Warm)Chard doesn’t like heat, so in hot climates it should be grown in part shade. It is one of the most shade tolerant of common crops.
- Water
- Moderate
Chard is relatively drought tolerant as a plant, though for highest quality and yields it should be well supplied with water.
- Feeder
- Light
Chard is a fairly hungry plant and will be most productive in a fertile soil.
- Suitability
- Partial shade, Needs summer shade
- Small Gardens?
- Yes
- Containers?
- Yes
Chard does quite well in containers. Choose a pot with a depth of 8 to 12" and fill with a mixture of potting soil and compost. Make sure your pot has adequate drainage by choosing one with drainage holes. Water thoroughly and place in full sun. Make sure to keep the soil moist.
- Attracts beneficial insects?
- No
- Color
- Dark green leaves with rainbow colored stems
- Fruit Size
- - "
- Plant Height
- 8.0 - 12.0"
- Plant Diameter
- 8.0 - 12.0"
- Hardiness Zone
- 2-10
- Disease Resistance
- Taste Profile
Colorful and dynamic cooked or raw in salads.
- Rotation Group
- Leaves: Brassicas + Leafy Greens