- Ease of Growing
- Easy
- Grown as
- Annual
- Days to Maturity
- 90-180 (Fall/Winter)
- Growing Habit
- -
- Hardiness
- Hardy
This is a fairly hardy mix, designed to keep growing right through mild winters.
- Crops
- Fall
- Growing Season
- Short, Long
- Cultivar Type
- -
- Growing Conditions
- Cold, Cool
These cover crops generally require cooler temperatures and adequate water.
- Outdoor Growing Temp
- 40°F - 85°F
- Min Outdoor Soil Temp
- 30°F
Most cool weather cover crop should be started when temperatures are still in the 60's to allow the plants to establish before winter, which also prevents Winterkill.
- Start Indoors
- No
- Start Outdoors
- Yes
- Light
- Sun: min. 6 hours daily (Cold, Cool)
Cover crops need full sun when growing in winter, as days are shorter and the sun is lower in the sky. If grown in summer many will tolerate light shade (though they grow best in full sun).
- Water
- Low
Most of these crops are not particularly drought tolerant and will need regular watering in dry climates (especially when germinating and getting established). However they are mostly grown during the winter when the soil is fairly moist, so don't usually require much irrigation.
- Feeder
- Light
You do not need to fertilize cover crop in established gardens, as there will be plenty of nutrients in the garden to meet their needs. Since you will be incorporating them back in to the soil, growing them doesn't remove any nutrients from the soil.
The leguminous cover crops also fix nitrogen and eventually add it to the soil.
- Suitability
- Tolerates light frost
- Small Gardens?
- No
- Containers?
- No
- Attracts beneficial insects?
- Yes
- Color
- Fruit Size
- - "
- Plant Height
- 48.0 - 72.0"
- Plant Diameter
- - "
- Hardiness Zone
- -
- Disease Resistance
- -
- Taste Profile
Although some cover crops are edible, they are generally grown for turning under the soil.
- Rotation Group
- Soil Builders and Cleaners: Legumes + Corn + Potatoes