- Ease of Growing
- Easy
- Grown as
- Perennial
- Growing Habit
- -
- Hardiness
- Hardy
Sorrel plants are very hardy and will survive in temperatures as low as -30˚ F.
- Crops
- Spring Transplant, Spring
- Growing Season
- Short, Long
- Cultivar Type
- -
- Growing Conditions
- Cold, Cool, Warm
Ideally grows in cool and moist conditions with rich soil, but it's pretty adaptable. Sorrel will grow pretty much anywhere, as long as it isn't too hot.
- Outdoor Growing Temp
- 45°F - 80°F
- Min Outdoor Soil Temp
- 45°F
Plant when soil is at least 45˚ F.
- Start Indoors
- Yes
- Start Outdoors
- Yes
- Light
- Sun: min. 6 hours daily (Cold, Cool, Warm)
Sorrel does best in full sun, although it will tolerate some shade.
- Water
- Moderate
Sorrel will tolerate some drought, but for maximum production keep the soil evenly moist.
- Feeder
- Light
Like any green leafy vegetable, it will grow better with a good supply of nitrogen. However, fertilizing isn't necessary because it will grow in almost any soil.
- Suitability
- Tolerates light frost, Tolerates hard frost, Partial shade
- Small Gardens?
- Yes
- Containers?
- Yes
Sorrel will grow well in a container that is at least 6" deep. Be sure to water regularly and keep the soil evenly moist when container gardening.
- Attracts beneficial insects?
- No
- Color
- Green and Red
- Fruit Size
- - "
- Plant Height
- 12.0 - 18.0"
- Plant Diameter
- 12.0 - 18.0"
- Hardiness Zone
- 4-10
- Disease Resistance
- Deer,
- Taste Profile
- -
- Rotation Group
- Perennial