- Ease of Growing
- Moderate
- Grown as
- Perennial
- Growing Habit
- Vine
- Hardiness
- Super Hardy
Kiwi's are very hardy when dormant
- Crops
- Growing Season
- Long
- Cultivar Type
- -
- Growing Conditions
Kiwi grows best in areas with mild spring and fall weather and high summer temperatures. Kiwi can be grown in a wide range of soils, as long as the soil is well drained. Choose a planting site that is protected from strong winds, as long canes can break easily.
- Outdoor Growing Temp
- Min Outdoor Soil Temp
- 30°F-
- Start Indoors
- No
- Start Outdoors
- No
- Light
- Part shade (Cold, Cool, Warm)
Kiwis do best if given full sun but will still produce in partial shade.
- Water
- Moderate
Kiwis will produce higher quality fruit if given at least 1" of water per week, but will tolerate some drought.
- Feeder
- Heavy
Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied only after the first year. It should be applied in early spring, mixed into the the top 6” of the soil in a broad ring approximately the diameter of the vine canopy (the “drip line” of the vine). In the long-term, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, along with sufficient nitrogen, will significantly enhance vine health and fruit quality.
High quality composts are also recommended as they contain a naturally balanced blend of nutrients, minerals, and pro-biotics. Natural kelp compounds are a great addition to fertilization regimes, whether added to irrigation water or used as a foliar spray between bud coloration and 1” fruit size. Avoid synthetic fertilizers as these can destroy many of the naturally occurring beneficial soil organisms that nurture healthy root systems. Synthetic fertilizers also tend to produce overly lush and unnatural top growth that attracts common insect pests and micro-pathogens.In late summer or fall, do not fertilize and taper off water to avoid encouraging frost-tender new growth.
- Suitability
- Tolerates light frost, Tolerates hard frost, Needs lots of space
- Small Gardens?
- No
- Containers?
- No
- Attracts beneficial insects?
- No
- Color
- Light green
- Fruit Size
- - "
- Plant Height
- - "
- Plant Diameter
- - "
- Hardiness Zone
- 4-9
- Disease Resistance
- Taste Profile
Often sweeter than fuzzy kiwis.
- Rotation Group
- Perennial