How to grow Caraway?

  • Latin Family: Apiaceae
  • Latin Genus: Carum
  • Ease of Growing: Moderate
  • Growing Type: Biennial

Also known as Roman Cumin, Caraway is a biennial herb in the Parsley family, closely related to Cumin, Dill and Fennel. The seeds, essential oil, roots and leaves are all used for culinary purposes around the world. Each plant grows about 1/3 of a cup of seeds.

Caraway History

Caraway is native to Asia Minor and Central Europe and the seeds have been used for culinary purposes for millennia across the world. The seeds were also used to repel insects and lice before modern treatments became available.

Soil Preference

  • PH (min/max): 4.8 - 7.8
  • PH Ideal (min/max): 6.0 - 7.0

Caraway prefers a well-drained soil that is high in organic matter, but it will grow in many soil types.

How to care for Caraway?

It's important to keep Caraway well-weeded and watered.


For the best harvest keep soil evenly moist. During dry spells the plants require additional water, although they are slightly drought tolerant. Final yield will be impacted if plants do not receive adequate water.


Caraway prefers moderately rich soil, but will grow in poorer soils.


Seed Viability: 2 - 3 years

Germination Percentage: 80.0

The flowers have both female and male plants and are self-fertile, so you can grow only one plant if you prefer. Flowers are pollinated by insects and bees.

When seeds are beginning to turn brown and dry, cut entire seed heads off and hang upside down to dry in a paper bag. When dry, shake seeds heads in a paper bag to release the seeds.


Sun: min. 6 hours daily

Caraway plants should be placed in full sun, as the flavor and aroma of the seeds become stronger in the sun. Studies show that Caraway plants produce more seed when exposed to more light.

Conditions:Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Season:Short Season, Long Season

Part shade

Caraway does best with full sun, but it will also do well in light shade.

Conditions:Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot

Season:Short Season, Long Season


If you aren't going to use the seeds right away, you will need to dry them again by leaving them in the sun for 1 to 3 days, or in a drier on very low heat. The seeds should then be scolded with boiling water briefly or frozen to kill any insect eggs. Store seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Storage Req: Drying
Storage Temp: 60-70°F
Storage Length: 180-360 days


Caraway Types

  • Caraway
  • Also known as Roman Cumin, Caraway is a biennial herb in the Parsley family, closely related to Cumin, Dill and Fennel. The seeds, essential oil, roots and leaves are all used for culinary purposes around the world. Each plants grows about 1/3 of a cup of seeds.


  • Carrot Rust Fly
  • Caterpillars
  • Leafhoppers
  • Crickets and Grasshoppers


  • Gray Mold Botrytis Fruit Rot
  • Anthracnose
  • Aster Yellows
  • Fusarium Wilt
  • Damping Off
  • Fusarium Bulb Rot
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Root Rot

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