How to grow Catnip?

  • Latin Family: Lamiaceae
  • Latin Genus: Nepeta
  • Ease of Growing: Moderate
  • Growing Type: Perennial

Catnip is a member of the Mint family. It spreads rapidly and produces lavender-colored flowers. The lemon-mint flavor and fragrance of its leaves make a relaxing tea for humans. Of course, cats love it, too! Using catnip as a companion plant can help deter many pests, including flea beetles.


Catnip History

Catnip is native to Eurasia. Traditionally, it had been used for medicinal purposes.

Soil Preference

  • PH (min/max): 5.5 - 7.5
  • PH Ideal (min/max): 6.5 - 7.0

Catnip likes a rich, moist, well-drained soil.

How to care for Catnip?

You may want to grow it in containers to prevent it from becoming a renegade in the garden. If you have cats you may want to protect the plants as they love to roll around in Catnip.


Catnip prefers moderate water, but is drought tolerant once established.


These plants grow best in rich soil, but almost any soil will do.


Seed Viability: 2 - 4 years

Germination Percentage: 40.0

After the blooms become dry and turn brown, cut them off. Crush the flower heads in a bag over a bowl, letting the seeds fall into the bowl. Spread seeds out to dry for a few days at room temperature before storing in a seed packet (or small envelope).


Sun: min. 6 hours daily

Catnip prefers full sun, but can tolerate partial shade, as well.

Conditions:Cold, Cool, Warm

Season:Short Season, Long Season


Catnip dries very well. Hang upside down in a warm, well-ventilated dark place.

Storage Req: Dry, Warm
Storage Temp: 60-70°F
Storage Length: 1-180 days



Catnip will self-sow freely in the garden, unlike Mint which creeps. Prune flower blossoms off to prevent this.


Cats will chew Catnip, roll in it, and lay on it. Young seedlings will get destroyed by cats because they love it so darn much! If you have them as pets, or they are in your neighborhood, protect seedlings.

Catnip Types

  • Catnip
  • Catnip is a member of the mint family. It spreads rapidly and produces lavender flowers. The lemon-mint flavor and fragrance of its leaves make a relaxing tea for humans. Of course, cats love it, too! Using catnip as a companion plant can help deter many pests, including flea beetles.


  • Spider Mites
  • Caterpillars
  • Flea Beetle
  • Mealybug
  • Leafhoppers
  • Aphids
  • Cutworms
  • Whiteflies
  • Leafminers
  • Nematodes


  • Anthracnose
  • Bacterial Leaf Spot
  • Rust
  • Verticillium Wilt

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