Squash Bug

Squash Bug

Anasa tristis

These gray brown bugs are mostly found on squash plants, but will also attack other cucurbits too. They can be found throughout the country. Both nymphs and adults suck juices from the plants, causing wilting and scarring and in large numbers they can severely damage or kill smaller plants. Older plants can usually tolerate quite a bit of damage, but a severe infestation will often prevent their producing fruit. Unlike many sucking insects they don’t usually spread disease or inject toxins into plants.

The small number of plants you have in your garden can usually be protected by hand. This is most easily done when the insects are small, as adults are fast and hard to catch. Remove the brownish egg clusters as you see them, along with nymphs and any adults. You can also lay out board for adult bugs to hide under at night (check these in early morning when it’s still cool and remove any insects).

Image: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, Bugwood.org